I'm in the 6th month now... and i feel my belly is getting bigger by the second. i wish i could say it was all baby but i know for a fact i have been pigging out! Yes Yes i know i should eat healthy and watch what i eat and those extra pounds will stick to me forever. TELL THAT TO MY APPETITE! It's not a feeling of hunger! its simply "FAJA3"! whats mafjoo3a in english??
Slowly i am sayinbg bye bye to my feet. i still see the front part but im sure soon i will have a hard time reaching my feet! maybe i will walk around barefoot like my cartoon :P
So bagoora seems to have been missing anyone SEE HER? lol
Inshallah t2oomi bil salameh ... hanat :)
I think in English it's called glutton.
Anyway I've been on/off a diet all month. Some days are really easy, others (when I'm in a bad mood) are much harder.
Best health to you, and the baby!
sooooooon yr not going to be able to see yr toes!! at all!! yaaaay,,, I miss being pregnant and the cravings I had!
When I was reading this post I wondered whether it's a boy or a girl! But later I realized that I've missed the previouse post...it's a girl!!! PINNNNK:D Im so happy for you...t2oomi bissalameh and now I gotta go read that pinkish post :$
Aww the cartoon is so cute =)!I guess it is call gluttony in English, LOL =D Just eat everything then after give birth do diet or go to the slimming centre =)
Do not worry about the weight gain...you will lose it within a year after having the baby , maybe less. you are young and you will be fine after the baby is born...i gained the most weight when i had my first (15 KG),it took me 8 months to lose it after having the baby, i was not even trying...i believe it is all in the genes i guess..how is your mom looking to you? ;)
take care and enjoy lots of sleep and lots of chocolates!
Enjoy your time! The best Health for the princess and mother!!!
my sister and 2 of my friends ate like crazy when they were pregnant, but with a strong will they lost all the fat they gained and I believe have a nicer figure than before they were pregnant..
dont worry about the weight if you think you have the will you will loose it in no time..
Good luck..
try to find baby name for you http://chilax.net84.net
I love your cartoons!
ps: excercise regularly to keep those calories off, nothing wrong with eating though if you're hungry =( ..I mean you can't really suppress your apetite, can you?
Maybe bagoora dumped you because she felt sooner or later you wer either going to dump her or slaughter her for the big party after the birth of your baby. Clever cow, huh? :-D
You will lose all the weight right after if your breastfeed your child. This cartoon is too funny lol
omg this is soo cute!!
whis you all the best hun!!
I'm usually just a shadow reader, but I'll have to emerge from the comfort of my cover to tag ya ;)
found your blog a while ago and i liked it then i lost it and finally found it again.
alf mabrook on the baby - ana hathi il ayam 9ayra very very maternal oo broody. i want a baby. better find a husband first. LOOOOL
enjoying ur blog - keep it up. baby girls are much cuter to dress.
Wainek, long time :)
I don't like men , nor babies . babies make you fat , they are needy , your body belongs to them for 9 month and almost two years, 9 month inside of you , then the nursing thing for two years . Men are so controlling , and masculine.
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