Wednesday, September 01, 2021

that kind of love...

Today in the mall the elevator was a little crowded. People kept coming in to the point where we were basically all squished together. What really caught my eye was this couple in front of me, she was facing him & to them this crowded elevator was just another excuse to get closer to each other. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled and it was like no one else was around.. Its that kind of love.. that i sometimes doubt exists..

I know love comes in many forms, and it can also come in the form of sa7n Mansaf or your favourite meal for your loved one at sometimes.. but there will always be that couple who have been together forever yet somehow still want to hold hands, still find each other interesting and are inseparable then there is that other crowd which is the majority that complain about marriage and their spouses and make jokes that are very awkward at times.. you start to wonder is this normal??

I know true love is not like the love you see in the movies. no one will run after you to the airport door to confess their love to you.. you are very likely going to take a cab back home..

You don't wake up with blow dried hair and perfect natural makeup.. you wake up with puffy eyes, messy hair that sometimes defies gravity... Also you are very likely to be wearing that same bijama il mahreye that you wore fe DAR ahlek because you love it so much and its sooo comfy inspite of that hole in it! Your mom hid it from you and wanted to use it as mamsa7a only somehow you have retrieved it .. * evil laugh in bijama um khuzga

Breakfast in Bed.. no thank you.. saraseer in the kitchen are bad enough..

Flower Bouquets? Really? they are going to die anyway.. waste of money.. Chocolates on the other hand are always welcome.. also anything that could be useful works .. blender, washing machine, a a new Nanny? ok pushin it..

Growing up watching hopeless romantic movies with happy endings has messed us all up to the point we always have unrealistic expectations when it comes to romance and love. Those people in ajnabi movies never had 3azeemeh and spent whole day in kitchen smelling like t2layet mlookheye and basal.

Reality there is life and errands and teachings kids and grocery shopping and mortgages and school fees and stress and so much things to worry about. Yes a romantic gesture is appreciated now and then but what’s more important is knowing the person you are with has got your back and is there for you when you need them. 

If your person is not romantic and not there for you.. what are you doing still with that guy. Seebeeh ya habla 🤦🏼‍♀️

If your guy is romantic but bodrobek bel shib shib (hits you with a slipper) 

Seebi ya habla

If your guy is not romantic and is there for you but also there la bent il jeeran 

Seebee ya habla 🤣

Maybe we should all watch a little less romantic movies and more movies where the romantic guy ends up being a serial killer . 

*time for me to sleep now 🤣

Side note 

This was an old post Pre-corona so a crowded elevator at the time was not life threatening . #justclarifying

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