Sooo who turned 34 ? Ok ok you can flip the numbers I know I’m getting old..*sighs *stretches *neck and back have unexpected spasms 😳 the simplest moves and falls can cause major consequences when you get older😣
So almost a year ago I decided to be a dare devil and try one of those rental scooters on the beach. Even though I was on turtle mode when I fell off I had a concussion many hallucinations and made an Indian song and hurt my shoulder which eventually needed surgery and almost a year later it’s still not better . Hamdila 3ala Salamtee🤣
So I learnt that الكبر عبر.. to no longer attempt to do anything remotely adventurous. I also feel every year I grow the less people I have in my life. I am choosing to be with Dandoona most of time and very few who are my true close friends because I’m so done with small talk and I really value my time . I would rather sit at home in the hole my bumbum has created in our couch ( which is very very deep that soon I’ll reach the floor). So I’d rather sit in my favourite hole doing nothing instead of going out with people who don’t really give a flying buraz about me.
I appreciate deep talks and being with people who don’t require so much energy. Who you can sit with sometimes without even saying a word yet feel you had the best conversation in your life! I am steering away from energy suckers because I barely have enough energy to get off this couch! Ir7amooni
So most of the time I’m on save energy mode or invisible mode. And I feel my life is more peaceful and I deal with less drama.
Being older means you can’t just eat like you did before. Not only do you gain weight بسرعة البرق (In the speed of lightening ) you also might feel contractions from that extra thowme shwerma child in your tummy.
So basically I’m getting older . More impatient. Little bit wiser and definitely if I don’t fix my diet soon I’ll be much fatter very soon and I don’t like most people..
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