Now that im pregnant even my dreams revolve around babies and pregnancy and labor! All baby dreams! Last weird dream was that my baby was so tiny and turned into "3ajeeneh"
I do know that my sister used to call me "al ragheef al 3ajeeb" because of my chubby round face but to have a "3ajeen" baby is something else! lol
So ofcourse the news of someone being pregnant spreads as fast as the news of engagements and weddings & death (b3eed il shar). So i keep getting calls from people saying " YOU'RE PREGNANT!" followed by a lot of chipmunk like screams and a few " OMG OMG OMG"
hehe it's nice! But what i hate is the unwanted advice! Or when people decided to say things like " oh you reminded of myself when i was 3 months pregnant i had a miscarriage" or " when i was pregnant i was going to die in the 8th month from complications"
"my marriage was fine up until i had kids" etc.
What i want to hear not is Happy Thoughts! Im already freaking out about the cow-like milk fountains that could start even before delivery! The Labor Pain! Whether or not to take the risk of Epidural! What will happen in delivery! How i will manage to take care of a baby when i can hardly take care of my plant! :S
Oh and what i hate! is when they always say "WALAD WALAD" inshala! As if il binit ils mseeebeh! i mean come on are we still in the stone age! They go like "jeebi il walad wa i6amani"! i say kolo min Allah mnee7! And its not like there is a button you press to get a BOY! i hear stories of men threatening to divorce the wife if she doesn't get a boy! all i can say to that is that is the definition of "TAKHALUF"
As for me i love girls and boys and if i love any gender more it would be girlies! with their cute baby clothes and hair clips! And when they grow up they turn into fountains of love. I would rather have a girl that grows up to make me proud and be good to me than a boy that could eventually yi6ali3 3ayni with his mughamarat & raging hormones.
Cow says she will help and that i am welcome to any fresh milk for the baby at anytime :)