Monday, July 10, 2006

JorD@n Upd@tes

Jordan is Cool! the weather is amazing! Everyone seems to have planned my future with thier son or neighbor... its annoying... as if i have nothing to do with it!

I believe in fate and love and that when you meet the "ONE" you will KNOW... In life we will meet people who we like who simple dont see us in that way.. and viseversa... we should not dwell on such things and have faith that God will bring what is best for each person...

Yes i should be realistic and its not just abt love.. nothing is like the movies... but i know for a fact when i meet him ill just KNOW.. its not like buying a car... its the rest of your life!

you can't force yourself to love someone... nor can you force someone to love you.. its not something you can plan .. not something that needs convincing...

Sometimes you are convinced someone is right for you for many reasons then you realize they are not and that it was all in your head...

When you like someone i think everything they do will be taken as a hint that they like you back
no matter how you act... they sometimes tend to imagine things... or exaggerrate the simplest things like you being yourself as a sign...

anyway... i hate the process of getting hurt or hurting someone .. guess its life.... we just have to learn from our mistakes..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh, Jordan. Wish i was there Dino!
I am waking up to cool rainny weather...a soft fresh breeze and i can hear the birds singing in the yard. Hmmmm.. maybe i wish you were here...!! ( of course it is all blown out of the water by the fact i have to go to work in an hour).

Oh, that would be cool.We would start with a coffee ( hot chocolate also available) at the outdoor cafe. Shopping of course.. a movie (I want to see the Pirates of the Carrabean.. ohhh, Johnny Depp!)...and a drive in my new car.Could take us along the coast in search of treasure ( of course by that i mean food).

What could we find to do in Jordan together for the day?

I have a question.. can a non-muslim wear a hijjab ? I was going to ask you that when i was in Dubai and forgot. I wanted to wear one. For that reason, modesty/curiosity. I wanted to know the difference.. to experience the difference. Darn, I could have borrowed one of yours, we wouldnt have had to get it altered ! I dont recall seeing any western women wearing one.. i think i would have gotten attention anyway.

Gotta go to work... have a great trip...!!