So picture this you are about to sleep and you have the covers over your head and then u hear... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... mosquito attack! U cant sleep since it is determined not only to suck your blood out but to also sing in your ear!!
Yesterday i saw a namooseh on the wall. Upside down. Waiting for the right moment to have her dinner! So i thought i would "atghada beeha abl ma tit3asha beya" so well slowly i tip toe towards the jamooseh. I couldnt reach so i used a towel to kill it.
so.. after i thought it was dead. I look up at the wall and it is there. This time i made sure i hit it. AND I AM SURE I DID! But this namooseh bisab3it rwaaa7!
Again i find it in the same place. then i yell " AHMEEEEEED ta3al 2o2tolha"
Ofcourse ahmed came to the rescue as always and even he is not sure it is dead
*twilight zone music
*namoosa home has invited all her namoos friends for a 3azeemeh on Dino$ tonight