i am about to just use this sling shot to GET AWAY from all you TAGGERS!!! Lets see who TAGS ME when im FIL SAMA! :P
Seven Things I want to do in life:
1. Memorize the Quran & learn how to read it with tajweed :)
2. Go to Hajj inshala with my future husband
3. Make a difference to the Muslim Ummah somehow
4. Go to Al Masjid Al Aqsa
5. Learn as much as possible about Islam
6. hmmmm... maybe teach Quran 2 ppl above the age of 8 someday :P
7. Become a better muslim :)
Seven Things I can do:
1. Make people laugh when they are feeling down
3. I can get along with almost anyone especially kids :)
4. Immitate almost any accent :P
5. Be very silly & make the weirdest baby voithe :P
6. Sing without breaking any glass :)
7. i can Bake yummy cakes & I GET HIGH ON CHOCOLATE & CAFFIENE :P
Seven Things I can’t do:
1. Lie! when i try i fail miserably lol
2. Play the guitar or any other instrument :P
3. Hide my what i feel... Usually u can tell what i am feeling by looking at my face :)
4. Stay Quiet!!
5. I can't act like i like someone when i simply dont...
6. Play basketball or dance Dabkeh!
Seven things I say the most:
1. YA toooota! YA poooolie!!! YA LalaaaaaS!
3. Ba7obbik
4. Sub7annallah!
5. La22aaa
6. MashaAllah
7. Merci ya Morsi
Seven Things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Height
2. Nice smile & teeth
3. Sense of Humor
4. Someone who appreciates my psycho moods
5. Someones who is not a Show off
6. Simplicity, Honesty
7. Someone i feel comfortable being myself around & who will like me the way i am even after reading my blog ;)
Seven Celebrity Crushes:
Cant say crushes... but i love thier acting... Tom Hanks, Edward Norton, Al Pacino, Robert De Nero, Brad Pitt :P And i have no idea if they are crazy in real life i just like their acting yabu laghloogh :P
i will tag ppl later...
let me move on to the next tag.. sho malkom kolkum taggin me !!! yala
Tag Rules
- Grab the closest book to you
- Open page 123
- Scroll down to the 5th sentence
- Post the next 3 sentences on your blog
- Name the book and author
- Tag 3 people
i work in a pharmecuetical company lol soooo ya3ni sho hal hazz look what i got...
Composition : Each tablespoon (15ml) contains Kaoilin 2.7 g. Pectin
Indications :
Symptoms relief of mild diarrhea!!!!! loooool
Dosage and Administration :
Adults 2 tablespoonful!!
ya3ni out of all the pages i get the diarrhea page... i could of chose another one but i am too honest i cant cheat lol
i will not tag anyone to avoid any more unecessary info!!!