Monday, March 24, 2008

Tajmeel Anyone?

So it's time to share another one of cow's adventures. After watching a lot of grey's anatomy with me bagoora was inspired to start her internship in a hospital. Well now she is in the " Cosmetic" section because there is a lot of 6alabeih in that department. Getting a nose job or "botox" injection has become more common than ordering a shawerma sandwich. it's like

3amo mumkin wa7ad shawerma jaaj wa wa7ad la7meh wa bil 6areeq ghuzni 2ibreh fi tumi bidi yseerli shala6eef! :P

Cow has been sharing stories with me and she says that she was so scared to go back! When i asked her why? she said that some patients have had so many surgeries they look CREEPY! Faces so stretched that they have one FIXED expression for everything. Lips so puffed like they have come out from a round with the "contender".

Conclusion is... we will all get old and wrinkly.. some will look younger than others even if they were the same age. But seeking operations and injections might fix this aging problem temporarily but on the long run it will back fire and u will be sitting there waiting for your botox injection that will not help because by now your face is mistaken for a BUTTOX! :) excuse my faransi ya3ni


Anonymous said...

I will do whatever it takes to see McSteamy every day, even painful cosmetic surgeries.. damn he is hot ;).. just kidding.. you are absolutely right, I dont know what is going on in the mind of women these days, and I honestly never seen one that became younger or more beautiful after that.. they look scary!!
but again if my doctor is McSteamy I might think about it ;)

Dino$ said...

hahah princess n! Mcsteamy orm cdreamy or denny ? All seem to be good enough motives for being a doctor :)

Maioush said...

::sigh:: i LOVE Grey's anatomy, i mean you wish you can get sick to go to a hospital that has bunch of cuties like that, but NAH!! you go there and all you see is weirdos and nerds!
as for the tajmeel, i would never put myself under the knife ELLAAAAAAAA EZA i have to!! :D

Dino$ said...

maiooosh lol after seeing greys anatomy continiously! i had to go to many local hospitals and i must say there is dr mcm3affin mcsmelly mac muckref mcsleezy kol il macs mawjoodeh! its more like khrweesh anatomy! i must say grey's anatomy effect on the long run is mostly psychologically scarring and UNHEALTHY! hehe

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the doctor i visited last week, i was the only patient there in the clinic while all other people were ladies coming for botox!

Anonymous said...

maioush law sama7ty y3nee mesh el kol nerd wo scary looking eh. lol @ the camel! I was discussing this with a friend like 2 days ago.. its elet self esteem wo eman. Like seriously whats wrong with people?! Im not against it fe kteer nass that could take advantage of it but with "rotoush" not changing khel2et Allah.