Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cow D@y$

hehe have u ever had a cow day? and what is that u may wonder.. a cow day is a day that starts out fine.. u wake up makin cow like noises because u want to stay in bed.,... u get soo tired at a certain point that u feel like a cow that has trouble moving... haha ok im exaggerating... i adore cows ... MOOOOOOOO re than ull ever Mooooooo hehe

ok... so today i went to work and ofcourse i decide to take a new route to work to avoid traffic ended up really close to OMAN another country... hmmm.. i have no sense of direction what soo ever... lol ... seriously mr magoo is better than i am... ( those who dont know who mr magoo is... he is a blind man who drives a car... cartoon.. ne way...

so i have no time to sleep... or do anything.. the only free time i have is the time imk stuck in traffic.. i end up makin all my calls hehe.. soo.. somethin happened and got me thinking again... i was on my way to work on a raod i have passed by soo many times... and i dunno how... there was this amazing garden to my left that i never ever noticed... its been there this whoel time but i was too busy complaining abt traffic and the ppl who just cut infront of me when i drive.. that i NEVER took the time to turn my head in the other direction... it was a beautiful garden.. full of flowers and trees... i literally gasped.. ( in a non horror movie way) hehe

this got me thinkin abt not only this amazing garden that was right infront of me all this time.. but the many amazing things i might have missed out becuase i was too caught up focusin on the negative things.. i am tryin to always try to see the beauty of everything... to look the other way if i might say... soo many good things out there that are left unoticed or appreciated... so with this attitude my drive back home was not negative at all.. instead of thinkin of the 3 hours of traffic ahead of me i thought of how nice it was to call up my friends who i have not been in contact with in ages...

there is always a way to see things positvely.. even in the worst scenarios..as i always say,. its all in da membrane... :)

gtg get some work done b4 i faint


Anonymous said...

Indeed funny & usfeul, u made me laugh!
so tell me how did u find oman ?

knowing that me too have this problem "poor sense of direction" might raise ur spirit, i believe this happens normaly to dreamy people, specially left handed persons like me.

*3ala kollen estamte3y belmanather eltabe3yyeh & e3maly e7sabek te7kelna sho betshofy kol yoom

one more thing :"Translation for mud & sk"

*anyway enjoy nature & "calculate ur calculation":D to make us updated with ur news.

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys...I love milk. Dipping oreo cookies in it... the DOUBLE STUFF ones in the pink box. AHHHHHHHH!!!!
Sometimes I toss the cookie part and just stack the middle parts and eat them all together...and sometimes I throw away the middles and just dip the cookie part....what can Isay.. I have mood swings.!!!

Today is my cow day..seriously. I have no idea how to get past the initial no motivation...no pretty flowers for me to drive by..!!!
Even the snow piles look all crappy as they slowly start to melt..all the doggy poo from the past four months of winter are starting to thaw out and appear in the snow....

Ok Dino..make that look positive..lol ...!

I will have to look elsewhere..let me think....look up to the BLUE SKY ,that's it...lol.!

Have a great day you guys..!!

SimSim said...

every day for me is a cow day !! :wa7ad msa5se5 do7ok: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Anonymous said...

hahahah...Cow Day...Great Blog..Keep it going..!!


Dino$ said...

mud u there?

Dino$ said...

helloo guys!its the WEEKEND YEAY! my neck and back are killing me froms ittin infront of the computer at work all day... ill blog my news now :)

thanks for ur posts didnt know many ppl would enjoy my silliness lol

Anonymous said...

Oh great.. while I am sleeping you get a porn star..? And then erase it so I cant see it...?

Well, good job Mud.. I see you took care of things...! We know we can count on you!

So, after a long week at work in front of a computer Mud you go to an internet cafe...does this seem heatlhy to you....?

And what are you going to do exactly after going for dinner at a hotel.. let me think..go to a disco..? I knew it...BAD BOY..BAD BOY..!! Going to watch the ladies dancing. AH HA ! We caught you..!!

"I'm gonna teeelll...I'm gonna teeeelll" !!


Poor Dino...I could only imagine all that you went through this week. So many changes to your routine. This will be a very well deserved weekend. Sleep well...!!