ok title literal translation : FROM WhoSE HOUSE ARE U!! real meaning " WHAT IS UR FAMILY NAME?" yes arabic when translated to english is a disaster! hhe ok... so PICTURE THIS...
U meet a group of people for the first time... the first thing they ask u..
" MIN DAR MEEN INTI?" so ur like..
" bla bla" suddenly from the expression on thier FACE
U KNOW they are searching the
FAMILY NAME DATA BASE in thier mind.. trying to recall if they KNOW anyone from ur family... and
ofcourse if ur an ARAB YES THEY ALWAYS know... someone that is sittt abu 2im ukht khalet jiditak!! or ur greatgranmothers nieghbors SON IN LAW... lol
so u either get the
FAKE SMILE followed by a sudden excuse to end the COnversation... then they whisper somethin To the
ANOTHER lady next to them :P lol
soo after a long silence and deep concentration is as if a
LIGHT BULB appears on the top of their head... then starts the million questions on
" bt3aarfi 7aanafi ibn Mirvat?" or "
mo3taz ibni was with u in university" yes anti i memorize all the names of all the students in the university(sarcasm)
Or even better when im im amman i say i came from dubai they start giving me names of all the ppl they know in dubai...
as if dubai is a mini-playground and as soon as u go u all know each other... wait u know sometimes i actually
DO end up knowing some of the names lol it is small world...
Sometimes the older generation that most probably grew up with my parents or grandparents start giving me names of ppl thier age... hmmmm sorry i dont even know
UR NAME 3amo so pls stop asking me if i know the anti who fed me falafel when i was 2!! i dont even remember wha i ate yesterday!!
chances are i WONT REMEMBER lol
US ARAbs we talk alot... and we
ALL know each other somehow.. Especially if ur
Palestinian or JOrDANIAN !!
BUt what i hate the most is how they have the need to
LABEL U!! like as soon as they know ur family name they rememeber someone who is or is not related to u with the same family name... so according to that persons impression on them or reputation then u are either
" GOOD" or "BAD".... like if one person or 2 in one family is a
CHEAPO the whole family is
"BUKHALA" if one person is a
"7arami" (thief) the whole family is
"7arameyeh"... I HATE THAT...
i hate being judged for my own actions let alone
SOMEONE ELSES!! its like why should anyone be judged by his name? family?nationality? or any other stereotype... ive seen brothers that are total opposites.. ive seen
GOOD parents with the worst children! IVE seen
BAd parents with
GOOD kids!!
Why wont ppl stop judging others?? i dont care iza ibn 3am ukht abu sitee used to be a
SERIAL killeR!!Prophet Noahs Son was not a believer.. Prophet Ibraheem's DAD was not a believer... and those were
PROPHETS!! imagine
THEM being judged by thier
Fathers or sons?!????So ppl next time you want to judge anyone... just
DONT!!On a Rather Islamic Note this is Reminder : Ayyub (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him, his family, and companions) said, “Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days from Shawwal it is as if they fasted the entire year.” [Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah; Ahmad transmitted it from Jabir, Muntaqa]
ONLY 15 days left for Shawwal to be over :) so yalla shido il himmeh :)