ok sorry no cartoon today.. not really feeling very upbeat.. its weird that i cant even write what i feel since i know lots of ppl who are close to me read this blog and are shocked to read things i don't share with them here.. but i need to vent.. or at least attempt to...
the worst feeling in the world is to have someone who knows you..who knows you very very well...who knows every little thing about you...can easily misjudge you and accuse of things that you haven't done...or said... or even misinterpret the things you do by saying you had other intentions...
why is it too hard to believe that some people in this world would so something good without an ulterior motive?!? That sometimes you say things without implying something bad... that sometimes you truely would do something nice just to see that persons smile...
Anyway...you realize that they don't know you at all... & its hurts more than anything because you would expect it from others... just not them...
you should know me better before judging me...
sorry... next blog will be more cheerful.... today is just a bit dramatic for me...
most important thing is that at least i know what i am.. and i know my intentions and ONLY GOD can judge me... i should stop caring what people might say or think...
any hoooooooooooo....me and cow both have a cold and are noses are not only runny... they are SPRINTING :P that was lame.. :P
i still make jokes even when im down *sigh* sad lol* okay i feel better.. dont ask me about this post... it never happened... *dino flashes the " MEN IN BLACK" flash infront of all readers... now they have no memory of this post... :P
"the worst feeling in the world is to have someone who knows you..who knows you very very well...who knows every little thing about you...can easily misjudge you and accuse of things that you haven't done...or said... or even misinterpret the things you do by saying you had other intentions...
why is it too hard to believe that some people in this world would so something good without an ulterior motive?!? That sometimes you say things without implying something bad... that sometimes you truely would do something nice just to see that persons smile..."
this is so accurate to what i feel right now, sometimes ur good intention is invested in the wrong ppl. w sometimes ur bluntness is taken in an absurdly twisted manner..
cheer up girl, ur u, and noone else. w salamtek u and ur cow :)
LOL.. don't worry! it never happened :) But writing what bothers always makes the person feel better... hope you feel better now :D
yes maybe this is the first time i read something like this on ur blog 7ata when lama aklti daboos ma knti za3lneh :p
anyways venting is good,i guess if u can vent on ur blog where else should u go?
Venting is good...makes you feel better!
Yeah, things like this will always hurt...but you'll find the strength to deal with it...I'm sure! :)
i doubt if u can call them true friends... real friends dont misinterpret each other! u know wut we are human beings after all...no body is perfect
yeah type type more Venting
I agree, true friends dont judge. And you know who your true friends are.
You are super sensitive and sweet though.. dont give up, there are so many of us who appreciate it .
No ONE yiza3il my dina...U JUST TELL ME WHO IT IS!! muaaah...couldnt c that post and not comment..i'll actually call u right now..
i mean i dont need to tell u but u occupy 7ita min galbi that i cannot even define..wAllah ba7obik ya poolie ya okhti fil donya/walakhira inshAllah..luv u:)
Don't let anyone ever make you feel bad for being the most generous and amazing person that you are. Just keep being who you are and keep doing the sweet things that you do because if you stop you will prove them right
I knowww the feeling and it does feel bad and it hurts.. but i think we know by now that the real lessons in life are learnt the hard way..
so cheer up.. :) show us the nice smile
thank u all :) im ok now glad to know im not alone and ppl can relate to me and are here for me :)
thank u all
7amooda i know how u hate commenting :P so that meant a lot Lovvak ana:)
"the worst feeling in the world is to have someone who knows you..who knows you very very well...who knows every little thing about you...can easily misjudge you and accuse of things that you haven't done...or said... or even misinterpret the things you do by saying you had other intentions..."
yea YOU should know better.
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